Side menu Overviews
The side menu overviews give comprehensive overviews of the settings and values of the different items in each menu point. The overviews show most of the settings and values available in the different items and make it easy to compare across the items. Most of the settings can be edited in the overview.
In this section we will have a look at the general options but also specific overviews.
In this example, it is the External conditions overview with the minimum width, where the name, edit, color and chart columns are visible.
Notice on above screenshot, that it is possible to make groups in the external conditions. Often the number of time series and time series functions becomes so large that it can be hard to find the right time series. Selecting the three dots next to Time series, the menu contains options of adding and loading time series but also of making a group.
Move time series by click and hold down the mouse and move it to the wanted group.
Double-clicking a name opens the time series window. Clicking the three dots gives a menu related to the item. The Used by shows where the item is used. If the item was depended on another item, there would be a line with Uses. Time series can be saved in a json format beside the standard save format. The online time series are all saved in json file format with the extension .epwj.
For each item in the side menu, there is a specific ribbon tab. The content of the ribbon tab depends of the side menu item.
Clicking the arrow in upper right corner expands the overview.
When having editing in the overview, the Apply and Revert buttons become available. If you want to enter an item, the changes you have made in the overview have to be either applied or reverted. You will receive this message.
You have a similar message when clicking outside the overview. If no changes have been made, the overview will close without any further messages.
By clicking on the header of a column you can sort the items in alphabetic order. Clicking in the upper right corner of the header, you have a filter option. Instead of having the full overview, you can focus on the necessary items. First a picture of a non-filtered economy overview.
The filter option looks like this, reflecting the items in the column.
In this case a custom filter is made, giving all the payments include electricity production.