Facilities in the economic section
The facilities in the economy module depends on which energyPRO modules are presently selected in the “Project setup” tab.
Basic elements for all modules are the “Economy”. “Investments” and “Financing”, which are available in Finance and Accounts only while “Taxation” is an option only in “Accounts”, see below.
* Finance and Accounts
** Accounts only
The content of the "Economy" section of the "Project Setup" tab is module dependent.
- DESIGN: "Currency” and define annual key figures.
- FINANCE and ACCOUNT: “Currency”, “Inflation index” and “Nominal discount rate” and define annual key figures.
The input typed in this window will be used when creating the report “Financial Key figures”.
The “Currency”, “Inflation index” and “Nominal discount rate” input windows are shown below. (“Inflation index” and “Nominal discount rate” are only available in FINANCE and ACCOUNTS).
Currency: The name/symbol of the currency (Used for presentation only). The default currency is inherited from the computer’s regional settings.
Inflation: Select which of your created indexes that describes the inflation.
Nominal discount rate: The nominal discount rate is used for calculating the “Present Value” of the investment. See the report Financial Key Figures
Indexes used for economy calculations should be defined in the External Conditions of the Input Data window, and then referenced in the Economy section.
For more details, please see the description in the “General Input Data” section, External conditions - Indexes
Define key figures
You can choose to include predefined key numbers in the report “Financial Key numbers”.
If you check the facility “Define annual key figures” you can type in the wanted key figures by defining their names, formulas and presentation (as percentage or as number).
There is a set of predefined functions available for creating your formulas. These functions are based on the annual amounts calculated in “Income Statements” and “Balance Sheets”. Hereto come a large number of functions based on energy demand and energy conversion, and mathematical standard expressions and functions such as Min, Max etc.
Hereto comes the possibility of defining headers. In that case type in the header text in the column “Name of key figures” and select the “Header”-option” in the “Shown as” column.
You can use the following built-in functions. The functions all return annual values.
Table 22: Financial functions available for defining annual key figures
Table 23: Other functions for defining annual key figures
In Functions detailed descriptions of the functions to be used in energyPRO can be found.