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With COMPARE it is possible to contain a reference project and one or more alternatives to the reference project within a single energyPRO project. It is possible to calculate and reports across reference project and its alternatives.

To use the COMPARE module, you need to buy access to the COMPARE module and to register the module. Furthermore, you must have at least a registered DESIGN module. To get the full potential of the module the FINANCE module is needed.

At the bottom left corner of energyPRO you can access the reference and the alternatives. You can add alternatives by cloning the reference or a present alternative. Finally, you can delete an alternative or save it as a project file of its own.

COMPARE right click options

When making a change in the "Reference", the change is also valid in the alternatives. When making a change in one of the alternatives, the change is only valid for this alternative.

The changes and items added in the alternative is visualized by making the name of the item blue:

Example of a change in an alternative named in blue

Right-clicking a changed item, you have the option of synchronizing back to the reference.

If you try synchronizing an item that is added in the alternative and hence not present in the reference you get this message.

Error shown when trying to synchronise an item added to an alternative

It is not possible to have different calculation module across the reference and alternatives.

In the menu bar you have access to the COMPARE overview. At this overview, you can see the data that is changed or added in the alternatives.

COMPARE overview

A number of COMPARE reports is available, please see the following section, Reference, Reports.