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Functions used only in Revenues and Operational Expenditures

There are three sets of functions relating to the energy conversion within energyPRO. Those are:

  • Functions measuring on the system border
  • Functions measuring on energy conversion unit level
  • Other Functions

In the figure below the system is defined as everything placed within the outer frame. By other words, the “functions measuring on the system border” is the functions measuring the flow passing this border.

Diagram of the energy system

In practice the system border is the electrical grid or a specified transformer station, where the interaction between the considered energy system and the outside world is measured. It could for instance be a meter measuring the amount of natural gas entering the system.

The functions measuring on productions unit level are strictly related to the specific production units and demands described within the system. It could be a specified boiler, CHP-unit or a specified demand. Below you will find a description of the single functions.

When modelling economy it is important to realize that the model is monthly based. This is especially important while modelling with peak-function and the Electric-Capacity function. Not being aware of this fact might result in misleading values.

Functions measuring on the system border

These functions consider the energy system as a black box, and are only dealing with energy and power crossing this border, see the figure below. The arrows are indicating the flows passing the system border.

Diagram of energy system with flows passing system border

This “System” -functions can be interpreted as meters placed on the system border measuring flows crossing the system border.

The functions are for instance valuable in situations, where payments are independent of which unit it is concerning.

Name Returns Unit
ImportedFuel(FUEL) Fuel imported by the system MWh/month
ExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Electricity exported to market MWh/month
ImportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Electricity imported from market MWh/month
AccImportedFuel(FUEL) Accumulated imported fuel within the year MWh
AccExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Accumulated exported electricity within the year MWh
AccImportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Accumulated imported electricity within the year MWh
PeakImportedFuel(FUEL) Monthly peak value for imported fuel MW/month
PeakExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Monthly peak value for exported electricity to market MW/month
PeakImportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Monthly peak value for imported electricity from market MW/month
APeakImportedFuel(FUEL) Annual peak imported fuel MW/year
APeakExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Annual peak exported electricity MW/year
APeakImportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD) Annual peak imported electricity MW/year


Returns the accumulated amount of electricity exported to the specified market in the specified “market period” within the current year.

Syntax            AccExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             return the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Accumulated amount of electricity exported to the specified market
          Returning unit     MWh/month


In every calculated time step within a month the amount of electricity exported to the specified market is calculated. The amount exported is calculated as the electricity produced subtracted the electricity consumed by production units and consumers within the system. If negative in a time step the value for that time step is set to zero, otherwise it is added to the amount of exported electricity.
AccExportedElectricity() returns the accumulated value hereof for the actual year in calculation.
Also see AccImportedElectricity.


AccExportedElectricity(All markets, All Periods)

AccExportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, Highload)


Returns the accumulated amount of electricity imported from the specified market in a specified “market period” within the current year.

Syntax            AccImportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Accumulated amount of electricity imported from the specified market
          Returning unit     MWh/month


In every calculated time step within a month the amount of electricity imported to the specified market is calculated. The amount imported is calculated as the electricity produced subtracted the electricity consumed by production units and consumers within the system. If positive in a time step the value for that time step is set to zero, otherwise it is added to the amount of imported electricity.
AccImportedElectricity() returns the accumulated value hereof for the actual year in calculation.
Also see AccExportedElectricity.


AccImportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, All Periods)

AccImportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, Highload)


Returns the accumulated amount of a specified fuel imported into the energy system within the current year.

Syntax            AccImportedFuel(FUEL)

          Argument           Description
          FUEL               The name of the specified fuel
          Returning value    Accumulated amount of fuel imported to the system
          Returning unit     MWh


AccImportedFuel returns the amount of a specified fuel consumed by all production units in actual year of calculation.


AccImportedFuel(Natural Gas)


Returns the Peak load of electricity exported to the specified market in the specified “market period”.

Syntax            PeakExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Monthly peak of electricity exported to the specified market
          Returning unit     MW/month


In every calculated time step within a month the peak of electricity exported to the specified market is calculated.
The peak is calculated as the maximum value within a month of the actual electricity consumption by production units and consumers subtracted the actual electricity production.
Also see PeakImportedElectricity.


PeakExportedElectricity(Flat rate, All Periods)

PeakExportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, Highload)


Returns the monthly electricity peak imported from the specified market in a specified “market period”.

Syntax            PeakimportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Monthly peak of electricity imported from the specified market
          Returning unit     MWh/month


In every calculated time step within a month the peak of electricity imported from the specified market is calculated.
The peak is calculated as the maximum value within a month of electricity produced subtracted the electricity consumed by production units and consumers within the system. When modelling economy it is important to realize that the model is monthly based. This is especially important while modelling with peak-function and the Electric-Capacity function. If not being aware of this fact will result in much higher values than intended.
Also see PeakExportedElectricity.


PeakImportedElectricity(Flat rate, All Periods)

PeakImportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, Highload) |


Returns the monthly peak of a specified fuel imported to the system

Syntax            PeakImportedFuel(FUEL)

          Argument           Description
          FUEL               The name of the specified fuel
          Returning value    Monthly Peak of fuel imported to the system
          Returning unit     MWh


PeakImportedFuel() returns the monthly peak of a specified fuel consumed by all production units in actual year of calculation.


PeakImportedFuel(Natural Gas)


Returns the monthly amount electricity exported to the specified market in a specified “market period”.

Syntax            ExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Monthly amount of electricity exported to the specified market
          Returning unit     MWh/month


In every calculated time step within a month the amount of electricity exported to the specified market is calculated.
ExportedElectricity() calculates the amount exported as the electricity produced subtracted the electricity consumed by production units and consumers within the system. If negative in a time step the value for that time step is set to zero, otherwise it is added to the amount of exported electricity.
Also see ImportedElectricity.


ExportedElectricity(All markets, All Periods)

ExportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, Highload)


Returns the monthly amount electricity imported from the specified market in a specified “market period”.

Syntax            ImportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Monthly amount of electricity imported from the specified market
          Returning unit     MWh/month


In every calculated time step within a month the amount of electricity imported from the specified market is calculated.
ImportedElectricity() calculates the amount exported as the electricity produced subtracted the electricity consumed by production units and consumers within the system. If positive in a time step the value for that time step is set to zero, otherwise it is added to the amount of imported electricity.
Also see ExportedElectricity.


ImportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, All Periods)

ImportedElectricity(Fixed tariffs, Highload)


Returns the monthly amount of a specified fuel imported to the system.

Syntax            ImportedFuel(FUEL)

          Argument           Description
          FUEL               The name of the specified fuel
          Returning value    Monthly amount of fuel imported to the system
          Returning unit     MWh


ImportedFuel() returns the amount of a specified fuel consumed by all production units.


ImportedFuel(Natural Gas)


Returns the annual peak imported fuel to the system.

Syntax            APeakImportedFuel(FUEL)

          Argument           Description
          FUEL               The name of the specified fuel
          Returning value    Annual peak of fuel imported to the system
          Returning unit     MW/year


APeakImportedFuel() returns the annual peak of a specified fuel consumed by all production units.


APeakImportedFuel(Natural Gas)


Returns the annual peak exported electricity from the system.

Syntax            APeakExportedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Annual peak of electricity exported to the specified market
          Returning unit     MW/year


APeakExportedElectricity() returns the annual peak of electricity exported from the system. In every time step, the exported electricity from a system is the produced electricity minus the consumed electricity.




Returns the annual peak imported electricity to the system.

Syntax            APeakImortedElectricity(MARKET;PERIOD)

          Argument           Description
          MARKET             The name of the market. "All markets" returns the accumulated amount for
                             all markets
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Annual peak of electricity imported from the specified market
          Returning unit     MW/year


APeakImportedElectricity() returns the annual peak of electricity imported to the system. In every time step, the imported electricity from a system is the consumed electricity minus the produced electricity.



Functions measuring on energy conversion unit level

These functions are focused on the single elements within modelled energy system. This is the production units and the demands.

The functions measuring on the energy conversion unit level can be considered as meters placed on the single energy conversion units i.e. a specified boiler, a specified CHP-unit or an electricity demand.

Energy conversion units

Below is a description of the functions that are available for the single types of units.

Those units are:

  • CHP-unit
  • Boiler
  • User defined
  • Electric heat pump
  • Absorption cooler
Name Returns Unit
CP(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Cooling production from production unit MWh/month
CPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Cooling production capacity on production unit MW/month
EC(PRODUCTIONUNIT;PERIOD) Electricity consumption on production unit in market period MWh/month
ECCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Electricity consumption capacity on production unit MW/month
EP(PRODUCTIONUNIT;PERIOD) Electricity production from production unit in market period MWh/month
EPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Electricity production capacity on production unit MW/month
FC(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Fuel consumption on production unit MWh/month
FCCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Fuel consumption capacity on production unit MW/month
FP(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Fuel production on production unit MWh/month
FPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Fuel production capacity on production unit MW/month
HC(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Heat consumption from production unit MWh/month
HCCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Heat consumption capacity on production unit MW/month
HoursOfOperation(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Number of hours of operation for production unit Hours
HP(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Heat production from production unit MWh/month
HPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Heat production capacity on production unit MW/month
PHP(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Process Heat production from production unit MWh/month
PHPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Process heat production capacity on production unit MW/month
PHC(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Process heat consumption on production unit MWh/month
PHCCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Process heat consumption capacity on production unit MW/month
TurnOns(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Number of turn-ons for production unit Number of turn-ons
FullLoadHours(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Number of full load hours for production unit Hours
AccFullLoadHours(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Accumulates the full load hours over the year Hours
AccAllYearsFullLoadHours(PRODUCTIONUNIT) Accumulates the full load hours over the years in the planning period Hours
PrivateWire_EP_CoveringOwnDemand(PRODUCTIONUNIT) The electricity production used for covering demand MWh/month
PrivateWire_EP_Exported(PRODUCTIONUNIT) The electricity production used for export MWh/month


Returns the monthly amount of cooling produced on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            CP(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly amount of cooling produced on specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


CP(Electric Chiller) returns the monthly amount of cooling produced on unit "Electric Chiller".


Returns the monthly peak cooling production load realised on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            CP(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly peak cooling production load on specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MW


CPCap(Absorption Chiller) returns the monthly peak cooling production load realised on unit "Absorption Chiller".


Returns the monthly amount of electricity consumed by a specified energy conversion unit in a specified “Period of Priority”.


          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          PERIOD             The name of the market period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Monthly amount of electricity consumed by the specified energy
                             conversion unit in the specified market period
          Returning unit     MWh/month


EC() returns the electricity consumed by a specific energy conversion unit in a specified "Market period"-name.


EC(CHP;PeakLoad) returns the monthly amount of electricity consumed by unit "CHP" during market period "Peak Load".

EC(CHP;All Periods) returns the monthly amount of electricity consumed by unit "CHP" in "All Periods".


Returns the monthly peak electricity consumption load realised on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            ECCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly peak electricity consumption load of specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MW


ECCap(Absorption Chiller) returns the monthly peak electricity consumption load realised on unit "Absorption Chiller".


Returns the monthly amount of electricity produced on a specified energy conversion unit in a market period name specified in “Electricity markets”.


          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          PERIOD             The name of the period is specified in "Electricity markets". "All periods"
                             returns the accumulated amount in all periods for the specified market
          Returning value    Monthly amount of electricity produced on the specified energy
                             conversion unit in the specified market period
          Returning unit     MWh/month


EP() returns the electricity produced by a specific energy conversion unit in a specified "Market period"-name.


EP(CHP;PeakLoad) return monthly electricity production from unit “CHP” in market period “PeakLoad”.

EP(CHP;All Periods) return monthly electricity production from unit “CHP” in all periods.


Returns the monthly peak electrictity production load realised on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            EPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly peak electricity production load on specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MW


EPCap(Absorption Chiller) returns the monthly peak electricity production load realised on unit "Absorption chiller".


Returns the monthly amount of fuel produced by a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            FP(PRODUCTIONUNIT;Fuel)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Fuel               Name of the fuel
          Returning value    Monthly amount of fuel produced on the specified production unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


FP(Elecrolyzer;Hydrogen) returns the amount of fuel "Hydrogen" produced by unit “Electrolyzer”.


Returns the peak fuel production from a specified production unit during a month.

Syntax            FPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT;Fuel)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Fuel               Name of the fuel
          Returning value    Monthly peak of fuel produced on the specified production unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


FPCap(Elecrolyzer;Hydrogen) returns the highest monthly fuel "Hydrogen" production from unit “Electrolyzer”.


Returns the monthly amount of fuel consumed by a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            FC(PRODUCTIONUNIT;Fuel)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Fuel               Name of the fuel
          Returning value    Monthly amount of fuel consumed on the specified production unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


FC(Boiler 1;Natural gas) returns the fuel "Natural gas" consumed by unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the peak fuel consumption load occurring on a specified production unit during a month.

Syntax            FCCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT;Fuel)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Fuel               Name of the fuel
          Returning value    Monthly peak of fuel load on the specified production unit
          Returning unit     MW/month


FCCap(Boiler 1;Natural gas) returns the highest monthly fuel "Natural gas" load occurring on unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly amount of heat consumed by a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            HC(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly amount of heat consumed on the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


HC(Absorption Chiller) returns the monthly heat consumption on the unit “Absorption chiller”.


Returns the monthly peak heat consumption load realised on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            HCCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly peak heat consumption load on the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MW/month


HCCap(Boiler 1) returns the monthly peak heat consumption load on the unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly hours of operation on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            HoursOfOperation(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly hours of operation
          Returning unit     Hours of operation/month


HoursOfOperation() returns monthly hours of operation on an energy conversion unit. Is used when designing operational costs.


HoursOfOperation(CHP) returns the number of hours of operation on the unit “CHP”.


Returns the monthly amount of heat produced on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            HP(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly amount of heat produced on specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


HP(Boiler 1) returns the monthly amount of heat produced on the unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly peak heat production load realised on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            HPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly peak heat production load on the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


HPCap(Boiler 1) returns the monthly peak heat production load on the unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly amount of process heat consumed by a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            PHC(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly amount of process heat consumption on the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


PHC(Boiler 1) returns the monthly amount of process heat consumption on the unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly peak process heat consumption load realised on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            PHCCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly peak process heat consumption load on the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


PHCCap(Boiler 1) returns the monthly peak process heat consumption load on the unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly amount of process heat produced on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            PHP(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly amount of process heat production on the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MWh/month


PHP(Boiler 1) returns the monthly amount of process heat production on the unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly peak process heat production load realised on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            PHPCap(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly peak process heat production load on the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning unit     MW/month


PHPCap(Boiler 1) returns the monthly peak process heat production load on the unit “Boiler 1”.


Returns the monthly amount of turn-on on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            TurnOns(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly number of turn-ons
          Returning unit     Turn-on/month


TurnOns() returns monthly number of turn-ons on an energy conversion unit. It is used when designing operational costs.


TurnOns(CHP) returns the number of turn-ons on the unit “CHP”.


Returns the monthly amount of full load hours on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            FullLoadHours(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Monthly number of full load hours
          Returning unit     hours/month


FullLoadHours() returns monthly number of full load hours on an energy conversion unit.


FullLoadHours(CHP) returns the number f full load hours on the unit “CHP”.


Returns the accumulated amount over a year of full load hours on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            AccFullLoadHours(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Accumulated number of full load hours over the year
          Returning unit     hours


AccFullLoadHours() returns the accumulated number of full load hours on an energy conversion unit. Typically, it is used when units obtain grant until a certain amount of full load hours, or for service intervals.


AccFullLoadHours(CHP) returns the number of full load hours on the unit “CHP” accumulated over the year.


Returns the accumulated amount over the planning period of full load hours on a specified energy conversion unit.

Syntax            AccAllYearsFullLoadHours(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Accumulated number of full load hours over the planning years
          Returning unit     hours


AccAllYearsFullLoadHours() returns the accumulated number of full load hours on an energy conversion unit for all planning period. Typically, it is used when units obtain grant until a certain amount of full load hours, or for service intervals.


AccAllYearsFullLoadHours(CHP) returns the number of full load hours on the unit “CHP” accumulated over all the planning period.


Gives a cost whenever the energy conversion unit is changing load.

Syntax            LoadChange(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    Number of times the load of the energy conversion unit has changed
          Returning unit     -


LoadChange() returns the number of times an energy conversion unit changes load. Typically, it is used for limiting fluctuating load of the energy conversion unit.


LoadChange(CHP) returns the number of changes in load on the unit “CHP” accumulated over the year.


Returns the amount of the electricity production used to cover the electricity demand in the system.

Syntax            PrivateWire_EP_CoveringOwnDemand(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    The amount of produced electricity used for covering own electricity demand
          Returning unit     MWh


Private_EP_CoveringOwnDemand() returns the amount of electricity produced by an energy conversion unit, which is used for internal demands. Typically, it is used when units are paid or have a cost for covering the internal electricity demand.


PrivateWire_EP_CoveringOwnDemand(CHP) returns the amount of electricity production by the energy conversion unit "CHP" which is used for covering the internal demand in the system.

PrivateWire_EP_CoveringOwnDemand() plus the amount of PrivateWire_EP_Exported() is the total amount of electricity production of "CHP".


Returns the amount of the electricity production exported out of the system.

Syntax            PrivateWire_EP_Exported(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          PRODUCTIONUNIT     The name of the specified energy conversion unit
          Returning value    The amount of produced electricity exported
          Returning unit     MWh


PrivateWire_EP_Exported() returns the amount of electricity produced by an energy conversion unit, which is exported. Typically, it is used when units are paid or have a cost for exporting electricity.


PrivateWire_EP_Exported(CHP) returns the amount of electricity production by the energy conversion unit "CHP" which is used for exporting.

PrivateWire_EP_CoveringOwnDemand() plus the amount of PrivateWire_EP_Exported() is the total amount of electricity production of "CHP".


In Table 45 is found the function that are used for getting the demands

Name Returns Unit
CD(DEMAND) Cooling demand MWh/month
ED(DEMAND) Electricity demand MWh/month
HD(DEMAND) Heat demand MWh/month
PHD(DEMAND) Process heat demand MWh/month
PeakElectricityDemand(DEMAND) The peak electricity demand MW/month
FC(Fuel Demand; FUEL) Fuel demand MWh/month


Returns the monthly cooling demand.

Syntax            CD(DEMAND)

          Argument           Description
          Demand             The name of the specified cooling demand
          Returning value    The monthly cooling demand
          Returning unit     MWh/month


CD() returns the monthly cooling demand.


CD(Cooling Demand) returns the monthly cooling demand of demand named “Cooling Demand”.


Returns the monthly heat demand.

Syntax            HD(DEMAND)

          Argument           Description
          Demand             The name of the specified heat demand
          Returning value    The monthly heat demand
          Returning unit     MWh/month


HD() returns the monthly heat demand.


HD(Heat Demand) returns the monthly heat demand of demand named “Heat Demand”.


Returns the monthly electricity demand.

Syntax            ED(DEMAND)

          Argument           Description
          Demand             The name of the specified electricity demand
          Returning value    The monthly electric demand
          Returning unit     MWh/month


ED() returns the monthly electricity demand.


ED(Electricity Demand) returns the monthly electric demand of demand named “Electricity Demand”.


Returns the monthly process heat demand.

Syntax            PHD(DEMAND)

          Argument           Description
          Demand             The name of the specified process heat demand
          Returning value    The monthly process heat demand
          Returning unit     MWh/month


PHD() returns the monthly process heat demand.


PHD(Process Heat Demand) returns the monthly process heat demand of demand named “Process Heat Demand”.


Returns the monthly peak of a specified electricity demand.

Syntax            PeakElectricDemand(DEMAND)

          Argument           Description
          Demand             The name of the specified electricity demand
          Returning value    The monthly peak electric demand
          Returning unit     MW/month


PeakElectricDemand() returns the monthly peak electricity demand.


PeakElectricDemand(Electricity Demand) returns the monthly peak electricity demand of demand named “Electricity Demand”.


Returns the monthly amount of fuel consumed by a fuel demand unit.

Syntax            FC(Fuel demand;FUEL)

          Argument           Description
          Fuel demand        The name of the specified fuel demand
          FUEL               The name of the fuel
          Returning value    The monthly amount of fuel consumed by the fuel demand
          Returning unit     MWh/month


FC(Hydrogen Demand;Hydrogen) returns the hydrogen consumed by “Hydrogen demand”.

Other Functions

Name Returns Unit
HeatValue(FUEL) Calorific value of the fuel MWh/unit
HeatRejection(SITE) Heat rejection per site or all sites MWh/Month
IndeksFaktor -
Index Monthly value of specified index -
IfMonth(MONTHNO) Returns the number 1 for month no, 0 for others -
QI(Value1;Value2) Quality Index, UK
<TimeSeriessymbol>(_) Actual “Timeseries”-value -
UnitOfDemand(DEMAND) Calorific value for the demand (If the unit e.g. are GJ the function will return 0,2777777 MWh/GJ) MWh/unit
WorkOfPumps(TRANSMISSION) The energy used by pumps to transmit heat through the transmission MWh/Month
TimeStepsInMonth The number of timesteps in the month -


Returns a conversion factor from MWh to the original unit of the HeatValue used when defining a specified fuel.

Syntax            HeatValue(FUEL)

          Argument           Description
          FUEL               The name of the specified fuel
          Returning value    The conversion Factor
          Returning unit     MWh/unit
                             Where unit is the original unit used when defining the specified fuel.


HeatValue() returns a conversion factor from MWh to original unit of the HeatValue used when defining a specified fuel. This function is normally used for converting the used amount of fuel in MWh to its original unit.


HeatValue(Natural gas) Consider that the heat value of the fuel “Natural gas” is defined as \(11 kWh / nM^3\). Then the function will return \(1 MWh / 11 kWh / Nm^3\) pr \(MWh\) equal to 1/11000 \(MWh / Nnm^3\).


Returns the monthly amount of heat rejection realised in a specified site or in all sites.

Syntax            HeatRejection(SITE)

          Argument           Description
          SITE               The name of the specified site. "All Sites" returns the accumulated amount for all sites.
          Returning value    The monthly heat rejection per site or all sites
          Returning unit     MWh/month


HeatRejection(Main site)

Indeksfaktor (Danish only)

This function is establish for Danish use only. The function is used for calculating the production independent subsidy for CHP production.

Syntax            Indeksfaktor(TimeseriesSymbol,indexvalue)

          Argument           Description
          TimesseriesSymbol  The symbol name of the specified time series
          indexvalue         The index
          Returning value    The index factor
          Returning unit     -


IndeksFaktor() returns the monthly "indeksfaktor" based on the monthly average spot price and an index based on process development.


Indeksfaktor(DK1Spot10;1,223) ice


Returns the actual value of the time series

Syntax            <Timeseriessymbol>(_)

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The actual value of the time series
          Returning unit     Unit of the time series


Timeseriessymbol() returns monthly average value of the time series specified with its symbol.


T(_) returns the monthly average value of the specified time series with symbol “T”.


IfMonth is a function returning the value 1 in chosen month and zero in the other months.

Syntax            IfMonth(MONTHNO)

          Argument           Description
          MONTHNO            Month number in year, 1 = Januray, 2 = February etc.
          Returning value    1 if true, 0 if false
          Returning unit     -


IfMonth returns 1 if the month number in function match the actual month in calculation otherwise it returns 0 (zero). This function is used in situations where an annual payment takes place in a specific month.


IfMonth(3). This function returns the value 1 if the calculation month is March and otherwise the value 0.


Returns a conversion factor from MWh to the original unit used when defining a specified demand.

Syntax            UnitOfDemand(DEMAND)

          Argument           Description
          DEMAND             The name of a specified demand
          Returning value    The conversion factor
          Returning unit     MWh/unit
                             Where unit is the original unit used when defining the specified fuel.


UnitOfDemand() returns a conversion factor from MWh to original energy unit used when defining a specified demand. This function is normally used for converting a demand in MWh to its original unit.


UnitOfDemand(HeatDemand 1). Consider that the used “unit of demand” is GJ. Then the function will return 0.2777777 MWh/GJ.


Quality index is especially used in Great Britain to describe the “Quality” of an energy conversion plant.

It has two syntax modes. Syntax 1, where you only specify the Quality coefficient for power and the Quality coefficient for heat. Hereby all the energy conversion units and heat rejection is taking into account.

Syntax 2, where you beside the quality coefficients also specify the energy conversion units and heat rejection units, you want to be included in the QI calculation.

Syntax 1            QI(el-factor;heat-factor)
Syntax 2            QI(el-factor;heatfactor;energy conversion unit 1; energy conversion unit 2; heat rejection unit.....)

          Argument                  Description
          el-factor                 The quality coeffecient for power
          heat-factor               The quality coeffecient for heat
          energy conversion unit    Any number of ennergy conversion units can be included
          heat rejection unit       The heat rejection units to be included
          Returning value           Index
          Returning unit            None


QI defines the Quality Index as: $$ QI(el-factor;heat-factor) = el-factor * Efficiency_{power} + heat-factor *Efficiency_{heat} $$

\[ Efficiency_{power} = EP/FC \]
\[ Efficiency_{heat} =(HP – HR)/FC \]

Where EP is the annual power supply of included energy conversion units (\(MWh_e\))
      HP= annual heat supply of included energy conversion units (\(MWh_{th}\))
      FC= annual fuel use of included energy conversion units (MWh)
      HR= annual heat rejection of included heat rejection units (MWh)

El-factor is a coefficient for power, related to alternative electricity supply options. Similarly, heat-factor is a coefficient for heat generation, related to alternative heat generation options. These coefficients vary to reflect conditions affecting particular classes of CHP plant. For a project, which supplies electricity only, \(Efficiency_{heat}\) is zero. For a project which supplies heat only, \(Efficiency_{power}\) is zero.
QI is annual based. This means the result is only present in the last month of the calculation year.




Returns the Result from the income statement (after taxation).

Syntax            Result

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The result from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


WorkOfPumps is a function reflecting the work of pumps for the specified transmission based on the pressure calculation in each time step.

Syntax            WorkOfPumps(TRANSMISSION)

          Argument           Description
          Transmission       Name of transmission
          Returning value    The energy used to pump the water through the transmission
          Returning unit     MWh


WorkOfPumps() returns the work of pumps for transmitting heat through the transmission line, both supply and return. This function is not taking into account the pump of work from resistance in bends and valves.


WorkOfPumps(New town_Solar Site). This function returns the amount of energy needed to pump heat through the transmission "New town_Solar Site".


TimestepsInMonth is a function reflecting the number of timesteps in the month. This function is used when having a fixed annual payment, to be distributed over the number of timesteps.

Syntax            TimestepsInMonth

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The number of timesteps in the month
          Returning unit     -


TimestepsInMonth() returns the number of timesteps in the month.


1/12/(TimestepsInMonth). This function returns the number of timesteps in the month.