Functions used only in Taxation
Name | Returns |
ResultBeforeTax | The result of the actual fiscal year before tax |
LossCarriedForward(n) | The last n years loss reduced with eventually profits from the fiscal years |
Increment(amount;n1;n2) | This function increments from zero with the value "amount" from fiscal year n1 to n2. Example: Increment(10,2,4) gives the result Fiscal year 1 : 0 Fiscal year 2 : 10 Fiscal year 3 : 20 Fiscal year 4 : 30 Fiscal year 5 : 30 |
Year(n) | 1 in the fiscal year "n", 0 otherwise Example: Year(1) + Year(2) returns 1 in the first and second fiscal year , otherwise it returns 0 |
This function represents a step-function to model a linear development of a taxation percentage.
Syntax Increment(amount,n1,n2)
Argument Description
amount The annual increment
n1 The first year with increment
n2 The last year with increment
Returning value The annual values
Returning unit -
Increment() is a step-function to be used for modelling changes in taxation rate. The function returns 0 (zero) until the number of first year where it returns the value used for argument. The function then increment with this value each year until number of last year. In the years after it will return the value reached in the last year with changes.
Increment(10;2;4) return the following results for:
Fiscal year 1 : 0
Fiscal year 2 : 10
Fiscal year 3 : 20
Fiscal year 4 : 30
Fiscal year 5 : 30
Fiscal year n : 30
Syntax LossCarriedForward(n)
Argument Description
n The number of years for which it is allowed to carry a deficit of years income statement forward
Returning value The amount of loss carried forward to be used in actual year
Returning unit currency
In the tax legislation, it is often allowed to carry losses forward. For instance if the income statement in a specific year comes out with a negative result this result may be subtracted from the positive result of a forthcoming year bringing down the tax payment of this forthcoming year. The subtraction will be done in the first possible year.
LossCarriedForward(5). In this case, a deficit in an actual year may be used to bring down tax payments in up to five years.
Returns the result of the income statement of the actual fiscal year before taxation.
Syntax ResultBeforeTax
Argument Description
Returning value The result of the actual fiscal year before tax
Returning unit currency
A logical function returning 1 if the argument corresponds with the actual year number in tax calculation, otherwise it returns 0 (zero).
Syntax Year(n)
Argument Description
n The year number
Returning value 1 if true, 0 if false
Returning unit -
Year() returns 1 if the argument corresponds with the actual year number in tax calculation, otherwise it returns 0 (zero).
Year(1)+Year(2) returns 1 in first and second fiscal year, otherwise 0.