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Functions used only in Annual Key Figures

In an account project there is an option of formatting a report with user defined key figures. To establish those key figures the following functions are available.

Long version Short version
CashAccount CA
Depreciations D
ExtraordinaryIncome EI
FinancialExpenditures FE
FixedAssets FA
LongTermLiabilities LTL
OperationExpenditures OE
OtherCurrentAssets OCA
OwnersCapital OC
Revenues R
ShortTermLiabilities STL
Tax T
TransferredResult TR

Most functions are available in both a long and a short version. Therefore, the function “OperationExpenditures” is equal “OE”. Both functions return the annual operation expenditures.


Returns the cash account from the income statement.

Syntax            CashAccount or CA

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The Cash Account from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the depreciations from the income statement.

Syntax            Depreciation or D

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The operational expenditures from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the extraordinary income from the income statement. Extra ordinary income is grants defined in financing.

Syntax            ExtraordinaryIncome or EI

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The extraordinary income from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns valued from a time series established under external conditions or demands.

Syntax            FCAnnualMWh(PRODUCTIONUNIT)

          Argument           Description
          *PRODUCTIONUNIT*     The name of the specific energy conversion unit
          Returning value    The annual fuel consumption measured in MWh
          Returning unit     MWh/year


FCAnnualMWH() is to be used if the development in the annual fuel consumption is wanted in the annual key figures report.



The annual fuel consumption of energy conversion unit named “Woodboiler”.


Returns the operation expenditures from the income statement. The financial expenditures include payment on loans an interest on cash account.

Syntax            FinancialExpenditures or FE

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The financial expenditure from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the Fixed Assets from the balance sheet. The fixed assets is here the value of an investment which is still left for depreciation.

Syntax            FixedAsset or FA

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The fixed asset from the balance sheet of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the long-term liabilities from the balance sheet. The long-term liabilities equal the remaining debt on loans.

Syntax            LongTermLiabilities or LTL

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The long term liabilities from the balance sheet of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the operation expenditures from the income statement.

Syntax            OperationExpenditures or OE

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The operation expenditures from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns short term liabilities from the balance sheet. Other current assets are revenues that are delayed. This could be heat produced in the last month of the fiscal year but paid in the start of the next fiscal year.

Syntax            OtherCurrentAssets or OCA

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The other current assets from the balance sheet of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns owners capital from the balance sheet. The owners capital is the owners capital defined as such in financing.

Syntax            OwnersCapital or OC

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The owners capital from the balance sheet of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the reserves.

Syntax            Reserves

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The reserves
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the revenues from the income statement.

Syntax            Revenues or R

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The revenues from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns other current assets from the balance sheet. Other current assets are operational payments that are delayed. This could be fuel used in the last month of the fiscal year but paid in the start of the next fiscal year.

Syntax            ShortTermLiabilities or STL

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    Other current assets from the balance sheet of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the tax payments from the income statement.

Syntax            Tax or T

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The tax payments from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency


Returns the transferred result from the income statement.

Syntax            TransferredResult or TR

          Argument           Description
          Returning value    The transferred from the income statement of the actual fiscal year
          Returning unit     currency